Take Notes:karljaylewin
By Jen Cantwell & Karl Jay-Lewin
Use the dn:ar app to discover hidden creative videos in augmented reality via your mobile phone. Locate the dn:ar logo on printed material (such as our beermats), open the app and point the phone at the image to unlock short hidden films or bring the image to life.
Artwork – Jen Cantwell
Photo – Jeni-Lin Knott
Extremely Pedestrian Chorales – Karl Jay Lewin and Matteo Fargion
Dancers – Neil Callaghan, Ellie Sikorski, Claire Godsmark, Karl Jay-Lewin
Original video – Owa Barua & Katrina McPherson
Take Notes video edit – Graeme Roger
dn:ar app developer – Articise (Edinburgh)
dn:ar is available on the App Store and Google Play and brought to you by Dance North Scotland with support from Highlands and Islands Enterprise.